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Bio-Identical Hormone Support

Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) involves the use of hormones that are identical to those manufactured naturally by the human body. During perimenopause, menopause and after menopause, BHRT can be used to fully replicate the many functions of sex-hormones throughout the body. This is done without the adverse effects commonly experienced with their synthetic counterparts.These hormones may also be used to support reproductive aged females through fertility struggles and issue with PMS, endometriosis or PCOS.
Bio-identical hormones are made from plants such as soy and yams. Since the human body cannot convert soy or yams directly into natural hormones, the plants must be processed pharmaceutically. When applied to the skin as a cream, inserted as a suppository, or taken orally as a capsule or sublingual troche (a lozenge designed to dissolve under the tongue). The body recognizes the hormones to be biologically identical to those produced naturally.

Natural hormone balance for women

If you are a perimenopausal woman, or you have reached or passed menopause, you are likely noticing some of the changes that accompany reduced hormone levels. These include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, sleep disturbances, vaginal dryness and irritation, reduced—or no-libido (sex drive), and thinning skin and/or hair.
Memory lapse is another symptom of hormonal decline and one that most women of menopausal age experience. Losing words mid-sentence, or not being able to recall the name of an old friend or a movie is often the result of too little estrogenic activity in the brain (Estrogen increases the concentration of an enzyme required to synthesize acetylcholine—a brain chemical that is critical to memory function. Estrogen also enhances communication between neurons in the hippocampus—an area of the brain important for verbal memory). Some studies have indicated that estrogen may help prevent cognitive decline.
Accompanying these changes are others that are not readily discernible, such as the increased risk of heart disease and osteoporosis.
Although many health-conscious women strongly believe that Nature’s plan precludes the use of synthetic hormones to ease the transition through menopause, they have been willing to try BHRT since these hormones mimic the structure of the body’s natural hormones. With careful adjustment, BHRT can restore the feeling of well-being associated with a more youthful hormone profile and can ease the path through menopause with little or no negative side-effects.
BHRT for women can result in a number of benefits including:

  • Restored libido

  • Maintenance of youthful skin

  • Enhanced memory, less “fogginess”

  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease

  • Increase in bone density and associated reduction of osteoporosis risk

  • Reduced incidence of depression

  • Improved overall quality of life

Natural hormone balancing for men

Just as women, men experience hormonal shifts during midlife. A drop in testosterone can severely impact well-being, resulting in a lack of libido, erectile dysfunction (ED), weight gain, loss of muscle strength, development of breast tissue, lack of energy, and associated depression. Many men feel that their “vital force” has left them when they no longer feel the urge to compete at work, excel in sports, or seek out and enjoy physical intimacy. Reduced levels of male hormone may also give rise to increased blood sugar levels and osteoporosis.
Unlike women, who experience a relatively rapid depletion of hormones at menopause, male hormone levels decline over time. Many men complain of feeling “spent” and many partners complain of their loved one’s grumpiness, lassitude and lack of interest in sex once testosterone levels have declined significantly. This condition is often referred to as andropause, although this term is inaccurate since men continue to produce androgenic hormones for life (The preferred term is PADAM or Partial Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male). Unlike menopause, symptoms are gradual, leading many men to believe they are “just getting on in years” and to not seek relief. Also, in men, the symptoms of hormone depletion are more general and less obvious. Most men who have experienced some or all of these symptoms say that BHRT helped them recapture their youth and vigour, and all that they once enjoyed.

Testosterone is not a part of Naturopathic scope in BC and as such must be prescribed by a medical doctor.

BHRT Treatment Plans

Knowing how vital a youthful hormone profile is to health and well-being, Dr. Coombs offers bio-identical hormone plans for both men and women. Each regimen is tailored to specific needs, and may involve several modalities. Dr. Coombs is highly trained and experienced in the correct balance of hormones and will work together with your physician and pharmacist to ensure that your program for hormone balance works effectively for you. Your hormones will be prepared in the form most convenient for you—either as a cream, oral supplement, suppository or sublingual troche. 

Hormone Balancing Programs include:

  • Lifestyle modifications

  • Education concerning your stage of life and the connections with your thyroid and adrenal glands

  • Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT)

  • Vitamin/mineral/herbal supplementation

Dried urine hormone testing (DUTCH)

An assessment of your hormone levels can be made from sampling your urine. Urine testing measures the levels of hormones circulating in the bloodstream that remain free from serum-binding proteins, and can therefore be used by the cells. This form of hormone testing is believed by many practitioners to provide a more accurate measurement on which to base a balancing regimen and symptom control. This method of testing also allows us to analyze estrogen metabolism and risk factors for estrogen dependant cancers, adrenal function, thyroid function and all metabolic types of reproductive hormones. Dr. Coombs can arrange for your test kit in your initial visit and discuss the results with you in follow up appointments. Please speak with one of our receptionists to schedule an appointment.

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